I’m so happy I had the chance to work with this sweet family again! I’ve photographed them a few times now at Larz Anderson Park and at the Bradley Estate, two Boston landmarks. I can’t believe that the boys are as big as they are now – they were babies when I photographed them for the first time! This year, they decided they wanted to have their family portraits last Boston Public Garden. This is one of my favorite places for sessions throughout the year. It’s always beautiful, the colors explode everywhere and there’s lots of options to create a variety of final images in your gallery!
Fall Family Portraits at Boston Public Garden
The day of our fall family portraits at Boston Public Garden, we met bright and early at 8:00am in the park. Luckily, it was a gorgeous fall day – warm and sunny. We never know if there weather will be chilly or not in the fall, so I’m always happy when it works out to be so beautiful. It helps all of us stay in better and more relaxed moods. The boys had room to turn around and play because the park was so quiet early in the morning, too.
The boys were so sweet during our session together. Even though they’re growing up, they still want a few photos by the ducks in the park. It was adorable and I hope they’re portraits that their parents will treasure for a long time. I’ll miss the day that these boys are too big for it, myself! That’s what happens when I work with families for a long time – these little milestones become important to me too.
I’m so thankful that this beautiful family trusted me again to capture their special memories. I absolutely adore them (even that darling pup!) and can’t wait to work with them again in the future!

about helena goessens photography
Helena Goessens is a maternity, newborn and family photographer based in Dedham, MA. She loves to work with families and little ones in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. She lives for creativity and she loves to captures genuine connection between family members and for her kid friendly photogrpahy style. Helena Goessens offers sessions in the comfort of clients homes, outdoors and on location for those special occasions. If you are looking for a family portrait photographer for your next family session, be sure to browse through her family portfolio and inquire for availability. Contact her at info@helenagoessens.com or call her at 617-584-9891. For more of her work, visit her website at helenagoessens.com.