
Fine Art School Photography

h g beeMonogram with stylized bee and intertwined lines above the letters

Fine Art School Photography

What is Fine Art School Photography?

My goal is to provide a custom, boutique experience to all families attending the schools who have chosen me to photograph their students. My service is personal and professional. Unlike large, corporate photography companies, I only take on a few, select schools so that I can provide superior customer service and artistic images.


I never force a smile and simply aim to capture the essence of the children I photograph. No awkward poses or faces, just the authentic child, on the day. The results are genuine and timeless portraits that are far from the traditional cheesy photos we have become accustomed to with bright flashes and unflattering, busy backgrounds. I provide light and fun experience for your children and take pride in providing an environment where the kids can relax and be themselves, naturally.

Massachusetts Fine Art School Portraits

What I Offer:

  • Online-only operation with secure, password-protected ordering galleries, organized by school groupings (grade, homeroom, advisory).
  • Each child receives 2-5 images in color and black & white; families choose their prints.
  • Offerings include boutique products like canvas wraps and digital images.
  • Detailed PDF on ordering and photo day prep provided to schools for families.
  • Orders made online, prints delivered to the school.
  • Provide all necessary photo day equipment and staff.
  • Supply schools with high-resolution digital files for various uses (yearbooks, website, IDs).
  • Address all parent inquiries regarding orders and products.
  • Take staff photos and give free print packages to staff.
  • Customizable services to meet school's unique requirements.


How many students can I photograph?


I have provided this service to schools as small as 60 and am ready to work with schools with as many as 1000 children. I have worked with kids ages 1-18 in my boutique school photography arena.


Are these images expensive?

I have competitive rates and nothing is due up front, all profit is made from ordering. I offer a variety of collections and a-la-carte products to fit everyone's needs. I also donate 10% of my gross to the schools that I photograph!


What time of year do you conduct fine art school photo shoots?

I work with each individual school to schedule shoots any time during the academic year.

your next step


Inquire for availability & detailed pricing

h g beeMonogram with stylized bee and intertwined lines above the letters

Helena Goessens is a Dedham, MA. photographer. Serving Norfolk County, Newton, Needham, Dover, Wellesley, Canton, Boston and surrounding communities.


A black square with no visible content or elements.
A black and white illustration of a person sitting on a chair, playing an acoustic guitar. The individual is wearing a hat and appears to be focused on the instrument. The background is plain and minimalistic with no additional elements.
A simple black square with no visible content or detail.
A small black square with a white arrow pointing to the right inside it.

Follow @helenagoessens_photography

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