2023 Year in Review
It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. 2023 has been busy for me – personally and professionally – and that’s all thanks to each of you. This year, sitting down to review what’s happened was so meaningful. I love doing these reviews because it’s a chance to reflect on all of the good that’s happened. I want to say thank you again to each of my clients for supporting my business for another year. It’s been such a joy to work with you! I hope you enjoy this 2023 year in review, too!
This year I became an ambassador for two amazing photography companies: the National Association of Professional Child Photographers and Lens Baby. I believe in the mission of both of these companies so wholeheartedly and I’m excited to be working with them! This winter, I was also honored to be mentioned in the top 100 artists of the National Association of Professional Child Photographers (NAPCP).

My 2023 spring was full of beautiful families and lots of family events personally! Our youngest son became an Eagle Scout, graduated from high school, and planned his college career to begin in the fall. It was so special to watch him achieve these great honors! To celebrate, we had lots of time with our loved ones from parties to sporting events – and of course, prom!

Graduation Time
As I mentioned, my son graduated from high school this year. It was an incredible honor to watch him cross that stage. We’re so proud of him and can’t wait to see what he’ll achieve during his college years!

Eagle Scout
Congratulations to my son for achieving the honor of Eagle Scout! Another wonderful achievement that we’re all so proud of him for – even our sweet Sascha!

This summer was quite difficult for our family. Our beloved Sascha (our almost 8-year-old golden retriever) was very sick. She was diagnosed with cancer and underwent several chemotherapies to help. Unfortunately, she did not handle it well and it was difficult to watch her struggle throughout the summer. We visited Seabrook Island in South Carolina with her before she passed, but she was so fragile. It was important for us to spend time with her and we made sure she got beach walks and visits to town as long as it was possible.
This year, I photographed many families with their own pups after Sascha passed. Each was difficult but also made me smile to know that other families love their own dogs as much as we loved ours.

We lost Sascha in August and it’s still one of the hardest things our family has experienced. She passed peacefully in my lap surrounded by our family in the shade of a tree she loved in our yard. It was a difficult moment but we know she had such a good life with us. I loved Sascha so much – and I still tear up thinking about her. I’m so grateful all of my children could say goodbye to her before she left us.

The fall was busier than ever! I had so many families on my calendar to capture new portraits. Unfortunately, the weather was not working in our favor! It rained every single weekend. We wound up doing a lot of rescheduling – some of it was not convenient, but I’m so thankful that every family worked with me to make this magic happen. Despite all of the weather, we had the most beautiful fall foliage this year in and around the city. The weather stayed warm and we truly made the best of it all!

Voice Image Competition 2023
Finally, I also received an honorable mention in the Voice Competition for 2023. Voice is an annual photography competition to share real stories and images, and with more than 40,000 images entered, it has become one of the most powerful visual documentations by, of, and for photographers around the world. So, I am incredibly honored for this mention!

The End of the Year
As I end this post, I want to say a special thank you to each and every one of you reading this blog post. Thanks to you, I had a wonderful year. I hope the end of 2023 is amazing for you. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2024 for you and your families!

about helena goessens photography
Helena Goessens is a maternity, newborn, and family photographer based in Dedham, MA. She loves to work with families and little ones in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. She lives for creativity and she loves to capture the genuine connections between family members and for her kid-friendly photography style. Helena Goessens offers sessions in the comfort of clients’ homes, outdoors, and on location for those special occasions. If you are looking for a family portrait photographer for your next family session, be sure to browse through her family portfolio and inquire about availability. Contact her at info@helenagoessens.com or call her at 617-584-9891. For more of her work, visit her website at helenagoessens.com.